It is a fund that aims to take advantage of the rapidly growing e-commerce opportunities.
It is a fund that focuses on companies in the small and medium segment business ın the field
It is a fund targeting investment in the energy, health, retail and manufacturing sectors.
It is a fund targeting potential companies in the manufacturing and service sector.
It is a fund targeting investment in software companies.
It is a fund that mainly aims to invest in technology companies.
It is a fund established for start-up projects in the field of informatics, software and technology.
Investments are targeted to companies operating in the fields of livestock, mining, energy, health, transportation and production.
It is a fund established for start-up projects in the field of informatics, software, and technology.
The main sectors that the fund targets to invest in are informatics, software and technology. It aims to invest in companies operating to realize start-up projects, mainly in these sectors.
The fund can invest in lease certificates where non-public venture companies are fund users.